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I’ll miss Charlie Campbell

I’ll miss Charlie Campbell

By Brent Frazee When I heard that bass-fishing legend Charlie Campbell passed away on April 19, my mind raced back to a spring day in 2008. I was in the boat with Charlie as he worked a bank on Table Rock Lake, and I saw how his eyes lit up every time he caught a...

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Even the outdoors isn’t immune from the coronavirus

Even the outdoors isn’t immune from the coronavirus

I’ve always believed that the outdoors lifestyle is an insurance policy in times of emergency. Hop into a fishing boat, hike far from the crowds, hunt in remote areas—that’s always been my plan for dealing with bad times. Government can’t shut down the outdoors, I...

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Outdoors was a refuge from the terror of 9/11

Outdoors was a refuge from the terror of 9/11

I’ll never forget the day when my worlds collided in an instant. Sept. 11, 2001. One moment, I was basking in the peace and solitude of the outdoors, with not a care in the world. The next moment, I was jolted into the reality that no American ever thought possible –...

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