Recent Articles

Hidden blessings can be found even in the midst of the year of COVID
By Brent Frazee When I was cleaning my desk the other day, I came across my 2020 day planner. It was filled with scribbles that became dashed hopes. At the start of the year, I had big plans. Pages of my day planner were filled with dates set aside for fishing trips...

Cast a new fishing lure my way and I will bite
By Brent Frazee OK, it’s time to call this meeting of the Shoppers Addiction Club to order. I’ll go first. My name is Brent Frazee and I have a problem. When it comes to fishing lures, I am an addict. I always bite. Dangle any shiny, new, “best lure ever” in...

Saying goodbye to one of fishing’s unsung heroes
By Brent Frazee I don’t think I’ll ever forget the day I met Brett Hedrick. Hedrick, who walked with a noticeable limp after years of living with spina bifida, scrambled down a hill to help youngsters participating in the special fishing day he and his wife organized,...

Fishing was the bond that brought Dad and me together
By Brent Frazee My dad and I had a complicated relationship. We were just different people. Dad liked to boast, and tell everybody around him just how much he knew. I rebelled against that. Looking back, maybe too much. But I loved the guy. And I know he loved...

Kansas man is devoted to helping kids discover the outdoors
By Brent Frazee When Phil Taunton’s father passed away in 1995, he made a simple pledge to honor his memory. Taunton vowed to do everything he could to get kids outdoors, much the same as his father had. “Dad would always load the neighborhood kids into our station...